In an effort to improve my culinary abilities I have tried various cook books and recipes. I think I have Cooking ADD. None of them could hold my attention long enough for me to execute them properly OR they had several ingredients I don't have on hand at home.
The other day, in one final effort, I picked up a copy of Rachel Ray's magazine. "Everyday with Rachael Ray". I was skeptical. I thought this would be another wasted cookbook type purchase. Well---I couldn't have been more wrong. This magazine is AWESOME! For the first time one of these mags actually delivers what it claims.
There are shopping lists for the recipes, the ingredients are pretty straight forward, and they take very little time. The best part is many of them are kid friendly. So the time came for the true test. My kids. I let them pick out a few of the meal ideas they liked. I hit the grocery store for the fresh herbs...let's be honest....with four little boys that's not tops on my normal shopping list. Next stop--the kitchen.
Her 30 minute meals? Guess what? They really are done in less than 30 minutes. I couldn't believe it! And...the food I made actually looked like the picture in the mag. Okay...maybe not exactly like it but really close. Even better? The boys loved it!
So now when people ask me if I can cook I simply say, "Yes. As long as it's one of Rachael Ray's recipes. Other than that...I'm toast."
For her great recipe ideas, her magazine and all the other good stuff. Check out her website.
I actually have a few of her cookbooks! I like some of the recipes, but I have to admit that some disappoint me, but that is like all cookbooks, each user has his/her faves. I love how she keeps things simple, she fully believes in the KISS method! Keep It Simple Stupid! LOL
I like that. the KISS method should be one we live by all the time. LOL
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