My husband is a Missile Tech in the Navy. He and I actually met through an online dating service while he was a recruiter in my area. We dated a year and a half before getting married... just this past March 21st. I haven't been a Navy wife for long, but we have still had our challenges already.
My DH left for his new duty station in Bangor, WA less than two months after we were married. I stayed behind in Michigan and will be here until I either sell the house or find a job in Washington. Single-handedly, I'm responsible for getting the house ready to be put up on the market. That includes painting most of the rooms, tiling, grouting and sealing the kitchen floor, refinishing the kitchen cabinets (including sanding, staining and polyurethaning), painting the trim on the house and much more.
I'm doing all this while I also took a second job in order for us to be able to afford the two households we are currently supporting.I should also mention that I was selected to receive a direct commission into the Navy Reserve as a Public Affairs Officer. I am expecting to commission this week... I'll be a full-time Navy wife and a part-time Navy Officer.
When I either sell the house or get a job in Washington, I'll be trying my hand at transporting two cats and three dogs (the smallest of whom is a 78 pound Greyhound) cross-country. That should be an exciting trip!If you'd like to know more, please feel free to ask or you can visit my blog at wifeofasailor.com.
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