Gorgeous day here at the beach! Can’t wait for date night this weekend at Paddy’s with Malcolm! It’s their last Saturday open for the season and hopefully this time I can avoid losing my necklace. But seriously? WTF is up with FB changing the format again? It's sooooo annoying.
1 hour ago •

What in the hell happened to Facebook? I can't find a damn thing. Someone talk to me. I’m freaking out.
Today at 2:37pm Like

OMG. Isn't it the most annoying thing ever? Just when I figure this thing out Zucker-what's-his-face has to go and change it.
Yesterday at 10:39pm Like

Tell me about it, kitten. So are my clients even going to find my updates? Ugh. Where's the wine?
Samantha Logan Drew
LOL! You are too much. What did you end up doing last night? I usually get updates through the news feed but clearly...that didn't happen.
Yesterday at 2:43pm LikeGunther’s Gallery
Watched a good old zombie movie. Day of the Dead. The new one. You better watch out, kitten because there are lots of places that zombies could find a way into that giant old house you moved into with your big hunk of man. *fans self* He is quite the hottie.
Yesterday at 10:50pm • 1 person
Samantha Logan Drew
OMG Gunther. Believe me, the last thing I’m worried about is zombies breaking into my house. Sadly, there are plenty of other monsters out there--like the nasty little men at Facebook who keep switching things up. BTW-if you keep watching all these zombie movies you might end up one yourself. A tv zombie! Oh and I agree, Malcolm is a hottie. :)
Yesterday at 2:55pm • Malcolm Drew and Kerry Smithson like this
Gunther’s Gallery
Ugh. I know. When left to my own devices, I practically convince myself that the world is zomibied out and I’m alone and about to become food for freaks.
Yesterday at 2:58pm LikeSamantha Logan Drew
You mean you don’t even want to type about….ZOMBIES?
Yesterday at 2:59pm LikeGunther’s Gallery
Stop it. That’s not funny.
Yesterday at 2:59pm LikeSamantha Logan Drew
Yesterday at 3:00pm LikeGunther’s Gallery
Obviously all that salt air and great sex with Malcolm has gone to your head
and made you totally loopy. I mean it—cut it out or I'll spend the next five hours figuring out how to eliminate your stupid feed.
Yesterday at 3:02pm LikeSamantha Logan Drew
Yesterday at 3:03pm LikeGunther’s Gallery
Yesterday at 3:04pm LikeSamantha Logan Drew
ROFL! Sorry Gunther. I couldn’t help myself.
Yesterday at 3:11pm LikeGunther’s Gallery
Sorry, Kitten. Gotta go. Milton got home and well…you know....I need my snuggles ;) See you at Christmas time? Probably not even sooner than that on FB because once I click out of this conversation good freakin' luck finding your posts on here again. Dammit.
Yesterday at 3:56pm LikeSamantha Logan Drew
Sounds good. I'm sure we'll figure it out...but if not we can always go to Twitter. Snuggles sound like a lot more fun than being annoyed with Facebook....I'm going to find Malcolm
Yesterday at 3:57pm LikeMalcolm Drew
You must have read my mind.
Yesterday at 3:58pm Samantha Logan Drew Likes this
I hope you got a kick out of this and will share it! Please spread the word about the contest.
Contest Low-Down: Leave a comment here on the blog by 11:59pm on September 30th to be entered to win a signed arc of Unleashed.
I'll announce the winner here on my blog on Saturday October 1st--the official release day of Unleashed (Book #1 Amoveo Legend).
You can find out more info about the Amoveo Legend series on my website http://www.sarahumphreys.com/ and if you haven't given up on Facebook come on by and friend me at http://www.facebook.com/sara.t.humphreys :)
Hello that was funny and I agree facebook has made a mistake!! I hope there are options to change it back or something! Any way I hope to win!
LOL, I hate to admit but I do love the larger pictures and the poke feature of the new FB but that's about it.
Thanks for the entertaining post :)
Margie H
ROFLOL! This conversation sounds a lot like my newsfeed right now! :) I hear they're gonna change it even more. So get ready!
I'll just ignore it with a good book to read! Hopefully this one! :)
@Misty--You won the copy of Unleashed :)
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