WOW! What an amazing day today at Borders in D.C. I got to meet some brand new fans, saw some familiar faces and some family I hadn't seen in years. First of all the staff was great! They were very accommodating and all smiles. My hotel was right across the street so I got there with plenty of time to spare. By the way, if you're looking for a great place to stay in D.C. I highly recommend
The W. It was funky and fabulous. I've never stayed in one before and I must say I've never encountered such friendly and helpful staff. Really top notc
h. Sorry...I digress.
I met fans (new and not-so-new) from all over the world. No kidding. South Africa, Holland, New Zealand and of course the good old USA.
I got meet my D.C. Signing Liaison Lori. (she's the pretty lady in the pic with me at the top of the page) Lori had already read "The Amoveo Legacy" and did an amazing job promoting the event. She came by with her adorable daughter, hubby and son. A great group. 
John Campbell, my old buddy from college, lives in the area and came by to pick a copy for a friend. By the way he's the DJ who hooked me up with musicians Amy Petty and The Strike Nineteens. I highly recommend his show. Monday evenings from 7pm-10pm!
I even had some cousins stop by...from BOTH sides of the family. Tom Emory came by as promised. Also my cousin Katie Castro and her adorable twin girls--such cuties! It was such a treat to see them because we only catch up every five years or so at the Woodbine Family Reunion.

All in all it was a great event and I had a blast. The best part? We sold all but 3 of the books they'd ordered. Nice!
So...If you'd like an autographed copy of "The Amoveo Legacy" just give them a call at
Borders in Washington D.C. 14th St. NW (202) 737-1385.
Next stop on the summer book tour....Borders in Fairfield, CT. The town I grew up in!
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