Monday, April 6, 2009

Music Muse

I have to admit that I've been in a bit of a writing rut lately. My muse has not been forthcoming and when you add that to the fact that I have very little free time....Not good. Today, however, the spell has been broken. An old friend of mine, who I reconnected with on Facebook, has a radio show and deals with great new musicians. He is expanding his show to include more than music, and asked if I wanted to be interviewed. Ummm...YES! At any rate, he sent me some links for new songs by largely unknown musicians. He was hoping one of them would be good to use for our interview...set the mood and so on. Well....let me tell of the songs he sent was absolutely perfect! It really captured the essence of my second book in my shifter series, "The Amoveo Heart". It also opened the flood gates and gave me some outstanding new ideas for Dante and Kerry's story. It is written and performed by Amy Petty and I really hope you'll all check her out. I have a feeling we'll be hearing much more from her in the years to come. Here's her Myspace link. I also added her website to my links list. Her music is hauntingly beautiful and will stay with you long after you hear it. Her song "Honey on the Skin" woke up my muse.

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